Saturday, December 17, 2011

"Can't Find My Way Home"

Where would I go if not to God? I have been to many of those other places during a time when I would not submit.
I have traveled those arduous and filthy paths where no one and no thing offers solace. I know the heartbreak of seeing the glow of family joy around the blazing hearth from outside a picture window while roaming endlessly in the cold and dark.

Where would I have gone  if I had not found the grace and dignity of faith that harbors the only truth? I have been to the road of lies that is self-sufficiency. It led to torment and loneliness and I almost did not find my way.

Years past, a haunting voice cried out in song, “ I can’t find my way home." Stevie Winwood was a heroin addict and through the veil of his youthful genius recognized his disease. He yearned for the love he knew beckoned on the other side of his dark brokenness. He could see joy through his window of misery.

The drug and alcohol addicted have suffered and they have died all these years on the altar of broken ideals. They have suffered in the spotlight of derision while our ignorance rubbed salt in their wounds.

Jesus came and he touched the lepers. Jesus came and healed those that had been cast aside yet we discard our children because we do not understand their search.

There are those that “can’t find their way home.” Would we deny them the light of our Lord because we abhor their disease?

Can we reach out to the lepers of today with the hope and grace that we have been so freely given? Can we carry the message of truth to those who wallow in the lie of escape?

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