Saturday, September 21, 2024



                                 BARN DOORS

Old barn doors, gray boards creak open on groaning hinges.

Dust dances in rays of light.

 Smells  like leather and manure.

There’s a stirring, a portal.

 Wanting  to climb and hide from the world, but not today.

Today … once more I reach through a ray of dusty light for the worn shovel.

Work for the night is coming yet always remember the dusty light. 

Monday, September 16, 2024





Gull tracks in the sand,

and on a sliver of white shell,

 as if etched by human hand,

Gull tracks again.

Tracks in the sand,

 It's as if I can hear the staccato, beating, gull heart.

 tracks on the shell,

Frozen in time.

How long ago,

On the history of tides,

were these tracks made?



Signs written in the sand, on the infinite grains of eternity.

hidden in plain sight.

Waiting to be seen.

Truth etched in the face of God.