Saturday, December 30, 2023


                                           REFLECTIONS OF A USED CAR SALESMAN 

Sometimes I wonder where we have gone and where we might go. Living in a world where violence and hate are lifted in the name of Spirit, I know that at our core we are better than this.

When we let our fear of “the others” rule our actions and our beliefs we become victims of our own shortcomings.

Yet the same people who would elevate destruction also feed the poor, help the widow and orphan, build homes for those without.

What is prejudice but fear?

Long ago I was fortunate to discover that my anger was but fear evolved and in so doing I began to find the courage to at least try to live in communion with my fellows. I understand that we must defend and protect those we love and our country, yet I have come to believe that,” a power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity.”

When I stand in a voting booth or sharing what I believe to be truth, my prayer is that courage will overcome fear and I will know that each soul in this reality is a beating heart that yearns for salvation.

Would that I can act to protect each one of those beating hearts.